Recognizing Symptoms of Stomach Cancer Early

Stomach cancer is the same with gastric cancer, and usually people call with gastric cancer, namely the formation of cancer cells originating from the tumor in the abdomen. The usual symptoms of stomach cancer complained of by sufferers usually feel often experience indigestion and discomfort in the abdominal area. Stomach cancer can generally be closed system digestive tract, causing difficulty in swallowing food sufferer to regurgitate their food. Initially patients experienced weight loss until stomach cancer will be more extreme attack sufferers.

While it has some kind of stomach cancer, among others: Adenocarcinoma of the stomach, gastric lymphoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and neuro endocrine tumors. For Adenocarcinoma of the stomach itself is almost equal to 95% of stomach cancers derived from this type, symptoms of stomach cancer has grown from the formation of the mucosa is the innermost layer of the stomach. While gastric lymphoma give 4% of stomach cancers are usually cancer cells sometimes found around the abdominal wall. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor itself is a rare type of cancer in which cancer cells form in the connective tissue of the stomach wall or in the muscles. The most vicious stomach cancer itself is a type of neuroendocrine tumor arising in the gastrointestinal tract.

As for some of the symptoms of stomach cancer you should know, namely:

     The emergence of the blood spots while removing feces, caused by a tumor that grows in the stomach, causing blood to flow while removing feces.
     Patients usually feel pain in the abdomen of the onset of illness mild to severe abdominal cramps, pain usually appears in the top part of the stomach.
     Patients always feel nausea when eating, until the vomiting is accompanied by fever and headache.
     Discomfort in the stomach, loss of appetite, stomach always feels bloated and full when it does not take anything.
     Always feeling tired and weight dropped dramatically due to difficulty in swallowing food and was not able to absorb vitamins and minerals into the body.

That some of the symptoms of stomach cancer you need to be aware of. If you experience signs over a long time you should immediately consult a physician expert in.

While the cause of stomach cancer is initially caused by inflammation of the stomach. In addition, the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria are an important factor emergence of stomach cancer or gastric cancer. The influence of the food itself may play a role in enhancing the growth of gastric cancer symptoms, such as high salinity, high carbohydrate content, the consumption of foods containing preservatives and lack of eating vegetables and fruits.
Ways Prevention Stomach Cancer Symptoms

There is an expression that says, "prevention is better than cure" well before stomach cancer attacking your life, you should do the prevention of stomach cancer symptoms following:

     We recommend the consumption of vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber to help the digestive system.
     Avoid smoking. If you are an active smoker, you should stop your smoking habit. In addition to smoking can cause lung cancer and heart disease Smoking also can cause stomach cancer.
     Avoid eating foods that are salted or smoked. In addition, you also have to reduce the flavoring foods that contain a lot of sodium which can damage the stomach.

You can ask for more details about how the prevention of the symptoms of stomach cancer is to a specialist in. There are several diseases that can increase the risk of stomach cancer is that as chronic gastritis, anemia, and colic (abdominal cramps).

If you experience signs of stomach cancer risk you should immediately consult about your complaint. You can also check more in order to perform endoscopic stomach cancer can be known with certainty.

Well, that's some of the prevention of the onset of the risk of stomach cancer can strike anyone. For those of you who love your body, healthy lifestyle should do from now on. Starting from keeping your diet and consume healthy foods that contain fiber, vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body. By keeping your diet then you can avoid the risk of stomach cancer symptoms.

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